Schedule Vinyl Liner Replacement Vinyl Liner Replacements for Carrollton, Rome, Douglasville, Paulding County & Surrounding Areas Best way to contact?*PhoneTextEmail Size of Inground Pool (longest length and widest width)* Shape of Inground Pool* —Please choose an option—RectangleOvalKidneyFreeFormCustom Shape Does the pool have Grecian corners or Roman ends?* —Please choose an option—Grecian CornersRoman Ends Can you email/text us pictures of the pool?* —Please choose an option—YesNo Does pool have vinyl covered steps?* —Please choose an option—YesNo Age of pool* Bottom Under Liner?* —Please choose an option—SandCementVermiculiteUnknown Did Pool Rx build this pool? YesNo Current condition of pool: check all that apply* Up and running with bottom visiblePool is still covered.Covered and unused for at least a yearNot covered for the winter- leaf debris presentSwampy green, bottom not visible but free of debrisGreater than one inch of debris is present in the pool.Pool has been unused for a while and needs significant repairs.There is currently water under the linerLong wrinkles are present on pool bottom (liner has floated)Liner has rips, tears or holes: above water line below water line Please leave this field empty. /?php if( is_page('10354') || is_page('10358') ): ?> /?php echo ssp_get_reusable_block(10513); ?> /?php endif; ?>